Rejecting Man-Made Gods

Rejecting Man-Made Gods


Evolution is entropy.

Materialism, Physicalism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Classical Physics, the Theory of Evolution, and Atheism are based exclusively on entropy.  Entropy is the driving force behind Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution.  According to these people, ONLY physical matter or entropy exists.  These people literally define “science” as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Classical Physics, and Entropy.

Entropy is death.  Nihilism means to “cease to exist” when we die.

Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution are literally Creation by Entropy or Creation by Death.

The different types of evolution or entropy have never been caught in the act of design and creation because evolution of any kind cannot design and create.

Natural selection does absolutely nothing to touch our genes or change our genes.  Natural selection is absolutely worthless as a mechanism of change.  The only time that natural selection or survival of the fittest comes into play is when you get selected against and die.  Your death or entropy does NOT produce new and unique life forms from scratch.  That’s physically impossible.  Random mutations are entropy.  Random mutations slowly destroy our genome.  Random mutations do not and cannot design and create new life forms from scratch.  It’s physically impossible.  In fact, evolution (genetic change), random mutations, and natural selection didn’t even exist until after God designed, programmed, engineered, field-tested, fine-tuned, manufactured, created, and deployed the proteins, their matching genes, the genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms in the first place.

Chemical evolution – the production of new functional proteins and the matching genes to go along with them – is prevented from happening by random diffusion and entropy.  Chemical evolution is physically impossible.  The First Law of Thermodynamics prevents creation ex nihilo from happening; and, the Second Law of Thermodynamics prevents proteins and their matching genes from spontaneously generating from atoms.  Macro-evolution – members of one Family or Genus giving birth to an organism from a completely different Genus or Family – is prevented from happening by both genetics and random mutations.  It’s physically impossible for a sexually reproducing species to give birth to a genetically compatible Mr. and Mrs. Mutant at the same time in the same place generation after generation for millions of years of time.  Macro-evolution is physically impossible.

Genes cannot do selection, meaning that genes cannot do choice.  Genes have NO choice!  Genes don’t make any choices.  Genes are programming code; and, Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent is needed to determine when, where, how, and why that programming code is being used and will be used.  Technically, the claim that our genes interact with each other and the environment is false.   “Interaction” implies some kind of telepathic connection between the genes, their environment, and everything else.  Technically, according to the Naturalists and Darwinists, genes have no intelligence, teleology, purpose, or goal in mind.  By definition, the genes are incapable of selection or choice because they don’t have a Psyche or a Mind according to the Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists.  The theory of evolution or Creation by Genes is self-defeating because the genes by definition in principle cannot design and create anything from scratch.  The proteins, genes, and enzymes simply do what they are told.  Told by whom?  The only logical answer is “Someone Psyche” because the atoms, molecules, and proteins don’t have genes within them to tell them what to do – not at the physical level at least.

Choices are is made by the Human Psyche.  If it can go either way – yes or no – then it is a choice that’s being made by Someone Psyche.  Our choices are NOT determined by our genes.  Our genes have NO physical mechanism in place to make our choices for us.  Genes cannot do selection or choice.  ONLY Psyche can do selection or choice.  Command and Control is a function of Psyche and NOT our genes.

Genes are NOT conscious, alive, psychic, telepathic, and in control of everything at the physical level.  These kinds of capabilities that they normally attribute to our genes are ONLY possible at the quantum level, the syntropic level, or the psyche level.  The physical atoms have NO physical mechanism in place to motivate them or force them to self-assemble into functional proteins and the matching genes to go along with those proteins.  The assembly of functional proteins and their matching genes from atoms has to be taking place at the quantum level or the psyche level because chemical evolution is physically impossible at the physical level.

According to the Darwinists, Naturalists, Physicalists, and Atheists, our genes are NOT conscious and alive; but in the very same articles where these people make these claims, these people also talk about our genes and describe our genes as if they were conscious and alive.  These people talk as if our genes are telepathically controlling everything within a living cell and interacting with our environment and planning our future telepathically, teleologically, and presciently as well.  Their stance in relationship to our genes is internally inconsistent, contradictory, incongruous, and self-defeating.  These people tell us that our genes are not psychic and not alive; yet, in all of their scientific explanations, these same people talk about our genes and describe our genes as if they are in fact intelligent, psychic, telepathic, cunning, insightful, selfish, interconnected, devious, predatory, motivated, prescient, teleological, purposeful, and alive.  These people tell us that Psyche, Soul, Spirit, and Mind do not exist; but then, these people talk about our genes as if our genes have a Psyche, Spirit, Soul, or Mind.  It’s duplicity and hypocrisy.  It can’t possibly be true because it’s self-contradictory.

I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist until I actually started looking at and studying the scientific evidence or the observations and experiences of the human race.

Evolution is entropy.  Evolution is death.

One day it dawned on me that some type of God must exist in order to have done all of the Science which the different types of evolution or entropy could NEVER have done.  Ever since then, I have KNOWN that God exists because it was the science that convinced me that God must exist.

While interacting with the Darwinists and Atheists online, one of them asked me which one of the man-made gods do I want him believing in?  His implication was that all of the gods are man-made gods.

My recommendation at the time was the True and Living God – the one that has actually been experienced and observed by millions of different people.  Nobody has ever seen Allah.  However, thousands if not millions of different people have reported seeing and experiencing our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ either in the flesh or during their Near-Death Experiences.  The only way to prove that God exists is through observation and experience.  God has to find ways to reveal Himself to us, or He would remain forever concealed and unknown.  Jesus Christ has done so.  Jesus Christ isn’t hiding from us.  The BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to live it, observe it, and experience it for yourself or to choose to trust someone who has.  Jesus Christ has been experienced and observed.  Science is observation and experience, or it should be.

This person online was right in that the man-made gods such as Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution are absolutely worthless because they don’t exist, have never been experienced nor observed, and can’t do anything for us to help us or save us.  There’s nothing wrong with rejecting the man-made gods such as Evolution, Materialism, Darwinism, and Naturalism.

Evolution is a mental concept or philosophical construct that only exists within the psyche or the mind.  Evolution is a figment of the imagination.  By definition, in principle, there’s no person called Evolution who can do things for us.  Evolution will never come in person and retrieve you from hell; but, our Lord Jesus Christ will just for the asking.  If you are going to go with a God, you want to go with the one that has actually been experienced and observed – the one that can actually come and get you out of hell.  In all things, go with the one that has been experienced and observed.  Science is observation and experience after all.

Evolution is entropy.  Evolution is death.  Evolution is a man-made god.  Creation by Evolution is a figment of the imagination.  Entropy is death.  The theory of evolution is Creation by Entropy or Creation by Death.  Evolution of any type cannot design and create.  Evolution is a modern-day idol, and Darwinism is the modern-day form of idolatry.  Evolution is a false god.  Entropy and death cannot design and create.  All of the different types of evolution cannot design and create.  Evolution is worthless when it comes time to explain the origin of genomes, proteins, and life forms.  Evolution will never come and get you out of hell, either; but, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can and will.

Should you ever find yourself in hell, remember that Jesus Christ can get you out of there just for the asking.  Ask, and ye shall receive.  Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Remember, Physicalism, Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution are based exclusively on entropy.  According to these people, ONLY entropy or physical matter exists.  There’s nothing else.  Entropy is death.  The theory of evolution is Creation by Entropy or Creation by Death.  Death cannot design and create, now can it?

As scientists, we NEED a much better Model for Origins than entropy, death, or evolution.  Do we not?

I’m a scientist.  Scientists are supposed to discover and present the truth rather than hide the truth from us.  As a scientist, I have tried to develop better Models for Origins than entropy, death, or evolution.

Evolution of any type is a man-made god.  I have formally rejected the man-made gods.  I have formally rejected the false gods or the falsified gods such as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  I had to do so in order to discover and produce a Quantum Model for Origins.

I had to give up My Materialism, My Naturalism, My Nihilism, and My Atheism in order to make progress in Science.  These falsified philosophies or falsified gods are anti-science and were designed to prevent discoveries in science.  They were designed to hide scientific evidence from us.  They were designed to hide observations and experiences from us.  It works.  I never discovered anything useful or interesting while I was a Physicalist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

Mark My Words