The Law of Psyche

The Law of Psyche


Psyche has been experienced and observed by Out-of-Body Explorers and Near-Death Experiencers.  The First Law of Thermodynamics tells us that Psyche or Energy is conserved, which means that it is eternal and everlasting.  It cannot be made, and it cannot be destroyed.  Psyche or Energy is syntropic which means that it is always conserved both at the quantum level and the physical level.

I prefer the scientific approach.  I define science as observation and experience.  Psyche has been experienced and observed; therefore, we KNOW that it exists.  Quod erat demonstrandum!

Law of Psyche:  The Law of Psyche states that every massless quantum particle is some type of Psyche or Intelligence.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Every massless elementary particle is some type of Psyche because it is psychic, quantum, telepathic, makes choices, can self-generate or self-propagate, can think, can communicate, can transmute, can move, can phase-shift, can collapse its own wave function, is perceptive, is sentient, is omniscient, is omnipresent, is intelligent, is conscious, is alive, must travel at the speed-of-light from our perspective at the physical level, is prescient, and without any physical limitations imposed upon it can quantum tunnel at will in its native original environment at the quantum level.  Remember, every massless quantum particle is some type of Psyche, or Intelligence, or Life Force.  Psyche is seen by Out-of-Body Travelers as a pinpoint of light or a Photon.  Each Photon is a type of Psyche or Intelligence.  A Psyche is a Photon, a massless elementary particle.  If it looks like a Photon and acts like a Photon, then it is some type of Psyche.  Every massless quantum is a Psyche.  Psyche USES mass, energy, or matter to get things done.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

Psyche has been hiding in plain sight all the time where nobody can see it nor find it because they aren’t looking for it; but, there’s no great mystery here.  Psyche is seen as a Photon BOTH at the quantum level and the physical level because it is a Photon.  Psyche or Intelligence IS what it appears to be, a Photon of Light or a Pinpoint of Light.  No surprise there.  Psyche is what it has been experienced and observed to be – a massless quantum of energy that looks like and acts like a Photon.  Psyche, whenever it has been seen both at the quantum level and the physical level, looks like a Photon or a Pinpoint of Light.

I know that it’s hard to believe because we have been trained, brainwashed, and conditioned all of our lives not to believe it; but, it is true, nonetheless.  Psyche has been experienced and observed.  Every massless quantum or every massless elementary particle looks like a photon and acts like a photon because is a Controlling Psyche who USES energy, mass, or matter to get things done both at the quantum level and the physical level.

Mark My Words